Saturday, March 22, 2008

Roger's Reservoir...

Story and Nero, explored new ground. It's a cold and very windy, March day.

Yep, this is much better. (kind of like a, baby carriage)

...nice cold floor.

Okay, Pup, back in the cart, ya go!

Petsmart visit, 11 weeks

I think I want to get out...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Nero is showing Story, all the toys in the house! Including the, unstuffed, decapitated teddy bear. LOLs
She likes them all!
Story's ears are going up fast! She's look'n good!

Hey? I want that! Gimme!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

MINE! Hey, you? Can't you see this is PINK?

(play nice kids)

Hello my boy! You LOVE me, don't you?

Cold wet puppy.

Well, this lady seems nice enough.... but, she can't cook!

First meal.... go easy.

What's this? Rice? What did I get myself into???

Story, the Introduction